The CBC in the European Neighbourhood extends the principles of Cross Border Cooperation within the EU, which is part of the Interreg programmes, but adapted to the specificities of the EU external cooperation. It contributes to the overall ENI objective of progress towards 'an area of shared prosperity and good neighbourliness' between EU Member States and their neighbours.
What characterises the CBC programmes and makes them a unique cooperation mechanism is the participating countries' strong commitment and ownership based on: balanced partnership between the participating countries on either side of a border: Member States and neighbouring countries have an equal say in the programme decisions and projects receive funding only if implemented by partners on both sides; management entrusted to national authority in a member state, jointly selected by all countries participating in the programme; common legal framework and implementation rules.
The reference document (JOP) for implementation of the Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine ENI CBC Programme 2014-2020 was approved by the Commission Implementing Decision no. C(2015) 9180 on 17 December 2015. The Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine ENI CBC Programme 2014-2020 receives €74 million of EU funding from the ENI as well as from the European Regional Development Fund.