Hlyboka Amalgamated Territorial Community


  • Organisation Hlyboka Amalgamated Territorial Community
  • County Chernivtsi
  • Priority Development of transport infrastructure to improve the mobility of persons and goods
  • Looking for partner from Hungary, Slovakia
  • Contacts Ivan Veklych, +380966460859; cheezzetta@gmail.com


Title of your project idea: Improvement of transport connections between settlements and  administrative center of Community

Objectives of your project idea:Finish the current average repair of local roads, overall length 22.4 km;

Expected results: Improvement of transportation of goods and passengers, high quality of transport services, regularity of transportations;

Target groups/final beneficiaries: 10903 citizens of Amalgamated Community + 2412 citizens, that already joined to ATC, but they are not eligible, because the elections have not taken place yet   

Main planned activities: Already have the project budget and estimates documentation for the current average repair of local roads in ATC for public procurement; Prepared list of necessary medical equipment for public procurement

  • Transport