Municipality of Vásárosnamény


  • Organisation Municipality of Vásárosnamény
  • Priority Promoting local culture and historical heritage along with tourism functions
  • Looking for partner from Ukraine
  • Contacts Zoltán Insticei (, +36/20-563-8615)


Objectives of your project idea: Promote local culture and historical heritage through reconstruction works and tourism friend solutions. Promote cross-border tourism activities by common marketing packages. Build long-life cross-border partnership in order to prosper local tourism

Expected results: Increase of number of visitors of reconstructed sites (visitors) – 1500 people, Number of organisations using programme support for promoting local
culture and preserving historical heritage – 2, Number of improved cultural and historical sites – 2, Number of cross-border cultural events organised and touristic products, developed using ENI support – 2 pcs, Common marketing package to increase local and cross-border tourism – 1 pc

Target groups/final beneficiaries: Local stakeholders, owner, workers and visitors of  local heritages, local habitants.

Main planned activities: Reconstruction of Pereni buildings and Tomcsányi Castle - monuments of cultural heritage of the 17th century. Common marketing package. Events in order to increase cross-border toursim.

  • Culture