Title of your project idea: The restoration of cascade hydraulic structures on the flow of "Silskyi" as the historical attractions of the Czechoslovak Republic of the XIX century, with the aim to preserve historical heritage and expand the tourism opportunities of border areas
Objectives of your project idea: The picturesque nature of the villages of Rokosovo and the Vertep, and its advantageous location (connects Khust, Irshava and Vynohradiv districts). From the North, East, West Rokosovo is surrounded by mountains – the southern foothills of the Uzhgorod-Khust volcanic mountain range covered with forest. The highest peak of the mountain is "Tovsta” with a height of 819м. The South-Central part of the village located in the lowlands, and the Northern, Eastern and Western on the banks of mountain streams. The Central part of the village runs a stream with a width of 6m, with a length of over 4km, which is in the Central part taken in the stone and concrete walls, every 150-200m waterfalls. On the territory of Rokosovo there are many interesting and valuable historical monuments of history and culture . It is primarily a memorial «Krasne Pole», where in March 1939, a bloody battle between the defenders of the heroes of the Carpathian Ukraine and the advancing troops Khortytsia Hungary. All the above factors have become the basis for the aforementioned project.
Expected results: The project will enable the reconstruction of the monument is inseparably linked with the development of tourism, the Ukrainian village, its infrastructure, traditions, revival of crafts and development of cultural and artistic traditions.
Target groups/final beneficiaries: Direct beneficiaries residents of the villages of Rokosovo and Vertep, not direct the residents of three districts (Khust, Irshava and Vynohradiv), which connects the village Vertep.
Main planned activities: 1. The establishment and operation of a management group project implementation, 2. Public hearings on the development of tourist routes, 3. Conduct historical and architectural surveys for the design and reconstruction of the architectural monument of the XIX century ( made), 4. Development of the project of restoration of cascade hydraulic structures on the flow of "Silskyi" (done), 5. Development of tourist routes, 6. Development and implementation of advertising campaigns aimed at dissemination of information on developed routes and attract tourists for leisure. 7. Development and implementation of ecoeducational programs in schools