Title of your project idea: Improving energy efficiency and promoting renewable energy
Objectives of your project idea: Support to green economic growth in the Region by fostering regional initiatives and cooperation for improving energy efficiency and promoting renewable energy.
Expected results: Increased awareness, competence and skills of renewable energy technologies and energy efficiency interventions among citizens, businesses and institutions
Target groups/final beneficiaries: Business; government and local self-government institutions; relevant civil society institutions; mass media
Main planned activities: 1. Assessment of the situation and perspectives of energy efficiency and use of renewable energy in the Region. 2. Improvement of the skills and knowledge level of business, local government officials and NGO via organization of the workshop and study tour. 3. Promotion of green economy through development of a guide of experience with successful practices of energy efficiency and renewable energy. 4. Improving competitiveness, investment and innovation activities of the Ivano-Frankivsk Region through organizing and conducting Regional Energy Forum.