Local Government of Komlóska


  • Organisation Local Government of Komlóska
  • County Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg
  • Priority Promoting local culture and historical heritage along with tourism functions
  • Looking for partner from Romania, Ukraine
  • Contacts Sánta Sebő, + 36 70 3637-680, santasebo@gmail.com


Title of your project idea: ECOHERBSTOURISM

Objectives of your project idea: Projects contribute to an increase of the attractiveness of the border area. As a result of the projects new, integrated tourist areas with own products and brand will be developed. The interventions will be carried out in an environmentally sound way with a view to guaranteeing the higher attention toward the natural and cultural values of the common region. It is expected that the number of visitors coming from the neighbouring country will significantly grow on each side of the border and long-term, strategic cooperation starts in many small regions for protecting natural and cultural heritage.

Expected results: Herbal Gardens, Heated Glass Houses for production and processing of innovative products for eco-turism (aromated jams, etc)

  • Culture