1 March 2018 - Second Call proposals checked for administrative and eligibility criteria compliance


The 137 project proposals submitted in the 2nd Call for Proposals have been subject to administrative and eligibility checks in the Step 1 of evaluation process, performed by the representatives of Managing Authority and Joint Technical Secretariat. The projects submitted by the lead applicants have been assessed according to the criteria indicated in the Guidelines for Applicants for the 2nd Call for Proposals.

According to the Guidelines, the projects submitted in the 2nd Call for Proposals can be disqualified from the evaluation process only in case the application form or the budget or the financial plan or the financial capacity are missing from the application. In all other cases when missing documents have been identified or clarification are necessary, the lead applicants have been requested to submit completions to their project proposals via the front office of IMIS 2014-2020. The applicants shall select the 'Formal completion' folder in their online application and click the 'Modify' button to upload the requested missing documents/clarifications.

Same as during project application, after uploading the requested missing documents/clarifications, the lead applicants shall click the ‘Check and Generate certification’ button in IMIS 2014-2020, and after successful check, download the generated certificate and sign it. In order to submit the requested missing documents/clarifications, the lead applicants shall push the ‘Submit’ button and upload the signed certificate. The system will inform about a successful upload of missing documents/clarifications in a pop-up window and the status of the application in the application search shall again become ‘Submitted’.

The deadline for submission of missing documents/clarifications is 15 March, 2018 at 23:59:59 CET. The completion/clarifications can be submitted only once during the administrative and eligibility check.

Following the submition of completion/clarifications by the concerned lead applicants, the Joint Monitoring Committee will decide whether the project proposals have been recommended for further evaluation in the Step 2 of the evaluation process and will send a respective letter to each lead applicant.