13 November 2020 - Four on-line workshops in national languages for beneficiaries of the 1st and 2nd Calls for Proposals organized


The Joint Technical Secretariat with support of the TESIM experts and First Level National Controllers organised a series of online workshops for beneficiaries of the 1st and 2nd Calls for Proposals with more than 300 participants.

4 online workshops organized by the Joint Technical Secretariat in national languages on 11-12 November, 2020 covered the following topics: introduction of the reporting structure and obligations focusing on the technical details of the Beneficiary Report in INTERREG+ system, latest updates to the Project Implementation Manual and to the Grant Contract, procurement and reporting rules for Beneficiaries from every participating country.

Overall, 4 countries, 300 participants, 12 presentations, 200 questions asked and answered during more than 16 online workshop hours. Frequently Asked Questions section on the Programme website will be updated accordingly. 

We express our gratitude to all the participants for being active and involved! Workshop materials in national languages are attached: